Saturday 18 April 2020

About: Catch Thy Dreams

Hello, lovely people!!
My name's Sauleha(meaning: righteous/Pious ), the sole operator at Catch Thy Dreams. I'm a graduate in management studies residing in a Metropolitan region of Aamchi Mumbai. Being average in studies and excelling in craft since high school, I was never a person who was interested in doing desk jobs. Always wanted to have a home grown business, Something that’s my own, something that I have an identity with, something that I love doing rather than being forced to. But I kept my dreams aside and thought of being practical after my graduation. Got a job at Seven hills hospital(Mumbai) in 2015, which I quit in less than 30 days(not a fan of local train traveling. It scares me tbh, a little less now, Lol). Later I joined a local ISP company in the same year and successfully completed 3+ years working there. Catch thy dreams came into existence in the 2nd year of my desk job in 12th February 2017(Gotta protect those dreams, lol) My salary was waaay below minimum, but that didn't matter because I wasn't earning to survive. THANKS TO MY PARENTS😄. The income was invested to start CTD. I wasn’t sure of what products I should invest my time in, until we decided to move over to a new place and I wanted a Diy wall hanging for my room. Pinterest was the only place I went to search for ideas where I came across dreamcatchers, The first one ever made by me was in 2015. 
         Here’s a picture,

I posted the same on Instagram and Facebook and had a request from a dear friend to make a couple ones for her as she wanted to gift them to her nieces. And that’s when it struck me about going with dreamcatchers because of how serene looking they are. Puts a smile on people’s faces every time one sees them. And since then my designs kept evolving. Posting a few below,
Work wasn't much hectic so it was possible for me to manage the business in initial days. But as and when the orders started piling up(touchwood) it was quite difficult to manage work & orders together. Along with my gym routine(more like therapy sessions), I’ve halt my gym sessions for over months so that I can focus on my creations(and it’s a pretty big deal for those that know how much lifting is important to me)😅. My father was a little skeptical at first regarding the business..But then after juggling the full time job and CTD together for two years he was okay with it. After completing three years at my desk job I decided to quit the job and invest my full time into creating these beauties. When you do something you love, you’re never bored or tired. The same happens with me and my work. I’ve come up with dreamcatchers I didn’t even imagine I would ever make because “Creativity involves breaking out of established pattern” 

Working on my passion for 3 years straight with the help and support of my clients, friends and my family. I feel super overwhelmed sometimes by the love that is being poured by all you lovely people. All that I’m today is because of that love and support. I wish to make myself and my parents SUPER PROUD of this work someday(NEVER SETTLE)

Later in Oct 2019 I introduced macrame products, and crochet products(amigurumi) recently that received an unexpected amount of positive response. Working to bring new and more creative product in the future. InshaAllah

Much love to all of you. Stay safe and blessed❤